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  • Opening Time : 9:30am-5:30pm
  • Address : kanalgatan 46
About EduprimeApp

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wonderful ways to make your work flow productive and fun

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Create Child Documentation, Record Child Daily Routine, Create your own Templates, Generate Reports, Interlink Documentation, Send Private Messages and keep Parents notified on what’s happening with their child at your service.

What is the best about eduprime for the teachers?
What is the best about eduprime for the teachers?
Eduprime provides a range of features specifically designed to help teachers organize their workflow effectively within the preschool setting. Here's how the app can assist teachers: Documentation and Progress Tracking: Eduprime allows teachers to document and track students' progress and accomplishments during daily activities. Teachers can input observations, milestones, and achievements, enabling them to keep detailed records of each child's development journey. Curriculum Access: The app provides direct access to curriculum materials, lesson plans, and resources, allowing teachers to plan and organize their teaching activities more efficiently. Teachers can easily align activities with educational objectives and standards. Time Management: Eduprime includes features for time recording, helping teachers track their work hours and manage their schedules effectively. This ensures that teachers can allocate time appropriately for lesson planning, teaching, assessment, and other tasks. Communication Tools: The app facilitates direct communication between teachers, parents, and administrators, streamlining communication processes. Teachers can easily communicate with parents about students' progress, behavior, and academic performance, as well as share important updates and announcements. Attendance Monitoring: Eduprime enables teachers to monitor students' attendance easily, providing insights into daily attendance patterns and facilitating accurate record-keeping. This helps teachers maintain organized classroom environments and ensure the safety and well-being of all students. Event Planning and Notifications: Teachers can use Eduprime to plan and organize school events, such as parent-teacher meetings, school performances, or special activities. The app sends notifications to teachers and parents about upcoming events, ensuring that everyone is informed and prepared. Feedback and Assessment: Eduprime allows teachers to provide feedback to students and parents, as well as receive feedback from parents and administrators. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and enables teachers to adapt their teaching strategies to meet students' needs effectively. Payroll and Administrative Documentation: Teachers can access their payroll information and all administrative documentation directly within their profile. This includes official memoranda, rules, regulations, and other important documents necessary for their role. Eduprime centralizes these essential resources, making it convenient for teachers to stay updated on administrative matters without needing to search through physical paperwork or multiple systems. User-Friendly Interface: The app features a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use, saving teachers time and effort in managing their workflow. Teachers can access all relevant information and tools within the app, reducing the need for manual paperwork and administrative tasks. Overall, Eduprime empowers teachers to organize their workflow more efficiently, streamline communication, and focus on providing high-quality education and support to their students. By centralizing essential tools and resources in one platform, Eduprime helps teachers enhance productivity and effectiveness in the classroom.
how can eduprime help the administration process of the school?
how can eduprime help the administration process of the school?
The administrative part of the Eduprime app caters to the needs of preschool administrators, providing them with tools and features to manage various aspects of the preschool efficiently. Here's an overview of the administrative functionalities: Dashboard: The admin dashboard provides an overview of key metrics, such as student enrollment, attendance rates, and teacher activity. It serves as a central hub for accessing important information and performing administrative tasks. Student Management: Admins can manage student profiles, including enrollment, transfer, and withdrawal processes. They can also track attendance, monitor academic progress, and generate reports on student performance. Teacher Management: Admins have the ability to manage teacher profiles, including hiring, onboarding, and scheduling. They can assign roles and responsibilities, track teacher attendance, and evaluate performance. Parent Communication: The admin panel allows for streamlined communication with parents, including sending announcements, newsletters, and event invitations. Admins can also monitor parent-teacher communication and address any concerns or inquiries. Financial Management: Eduprime offers features for managing finances, including billing, invoicing, and payment tracking. Admins can generate financial reports, monitor budget allocations, and oversee fundraising activities. Curriculum Management: Admins can oversee curriculum planning and implementation, ensuring alignment with educational standards and objectives. They can also provide support and resources to teachers for curriculum development and enrichment activities. Staff Training and Development: The admin panel includes tools for organizing staff training sessions, workshops, and professional development opportunities. Admins can track staff certifications, competencies, and performance reviews. Document Management: Admins can upload and manage important documents, such as policies, procedures, and regulatory guidelines. They can ensure that all staff members have access to relevant documentation and stay informed about updates or changes. Analytics and Reporting: Eduprime provides analytics and reporting tools that allow admins to track key performance indicators, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. They can generate customized reports on various aspects of preschool operations, such as enrollment trends, attendance rates, and academic outcomes. Security and Permissions: The admin panel includes features for managing user access and permissions, ensuring data security and compliance with privacy regulations. Admins can control who has access to specific features and functionalities within the app. Overall, the administrative part of the Eduprime app empowers preschool administrators to effectively manage all aspects of preschool operations, streamline communication, and promote collaboration among staff, parents, and students.
how can Eduprime help parents?
how can Eduprime help parents?
Eduprime offers a range of features designed to support parents in their engagement with their child's education and overall experience at the preschool. Here's how the app can help parents: Real-time Updates: Parents can receive real-time updates on their child's activities, behavior, and academic progress directly from the teachers. This keeps parents informed about their child's day-to-day experiences at preschool. Communication with Educators: Eduprime facilitates direct communication between parents and teachers, allowing parents to easily communicate any concerns, ask questions, or provide feedback to educators. This fosters a collaborative relationship between parents and teachers, ensuring that the child's needs are met effectively. Access to Progress Reports: Parents can access detailed progress reports and assessments about their child's development and achievements. This gives parents insight into their child's strengths, areas for improvement, and overall progress in various areas of learning. Attendance Tracking: Eduprime allows parents to mark their child absent child's attendance, or tardiness Event Notifications: The app sends notifications about upcoming events, such as parent-teacher meetings, school performances, or special activities. This helps parents stay informed and involved in their child's school life. Photo Sharing: Parents can view photos and updates shared by teachers on the private wall feature. This allows parents to see what their child is doing at preschool and provides a glimpse into their daily activities and experiences. Schedule Management: Eduprime helps parents manage their child's schedule by providing information about school events, holidays, and important dates. This helps parents plan accordingly and stay organized. Feedback Mechanism: Parents can provide feedback to teachers or administrators through the app, allowing them to express any concerns, suggestions, or appreciation for the preschool's activities and programs. Overall, Eduprime empowers parents to be actively involved in their child's preschool education, fostering communication, engagement, and collaboration between home and school for the benefit of the child's learning and development.
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About Us

Welcome to Eduprime App

A valuable tool for schools, parents and children

Eduprime dramatically strengthens vital engagement between home and school, allowing parents to share in and communicate about their child’s achievements . It brings parents together to get more involved and enables them to express feedback Eduprime makes the educators work more fun and gives the perfect tools to document step by step the childs development.
eduprime features a time management for teachers as well as schedule management for parents and students, it also gives notifications of events and its connected to inmidiate access to everyday activities
teachers have directed access to their curriculum and to one student or several students at the time to imput
Friendly and easy to use
The friendly interface makes easy to use for anyone, tablet or mobile phone friendly. It only takes a few seconds for teachers to select a few photos or videos and write a caption and make it available to the relevant parents.

App Feature

Eduprime App Feature

Every child has their own portfolio for where teacher can save material related to that child only. The individual portfolios can only be accessed by the teacher and the guardians. Guardians receive a push notification to their phone when there’s new content in the portfolio.

Educators can create various child updates such as learning stories, reflections, art work sample, developmental milestones and documentation according to curricullum.Educators can send Parents reminders by selecting the Parents you wish to send the reminders to. remind them about upcoming events, notices, making announcements, important information, special days, things going on at the centre etc.

Parents and Educators can quickly create a post and share updates directly from their Home page. Parents can even select any pre-designed Parent Input forms, share photos and videos and submit it to educators from their account itself.

App Feature

Eduprime App

Eduprime makes it easy for preschools to document and inform parents Join our seminars
and training programs and learn how to use Eduprime.